Next meeting Monday 7th February

Question: How can we learn from radical education theories and groups? (suggested by Robbie and Lucie)

- Introduction to Radical Education by David Hicks. Read here.
What is radical Pedagogy? Article by Timothy McGettigan
Some interesting examples of radical eduction groups:
Free school (London)
Islington Mill Art Academy ( free self-organised art school in Manchester)
- Radical Education Collective based in Ljubliana. Read here.
- Pinky Show (film called 'Encounter on Radical Education: Cats in Slovenia'. Watch here)

- What can AltMFA learn from these practices? Are there techniques that could be useful for us to follow? How should AltMFA organise itself and on on what principles?
Should we introduce formal procedures for this organisation?

-To what extent should AltMFA remain free? - How do we ensure that our appropriation of the positive elements of free culture don’t veer toward the possibly insidious elements of the “free” – exploitation of labour, including internships for the well off; the undermining of public services (a la big society) and so on.