Summary of 23rd May by Claire

Lucie, Robbie, Eva, Gabriel, Louise, Dave, Claire and Pippa Koszerek

We met at Lucie's flat and ate pizza and drunk tea.

After we collectively introduced the background to alt mfa, Pippa Koszerek ( talked to us about and her own practice as an artist. 

Pippa wrote a paper, 'Alternative Art Schools' for A-N in 2010 which is available to read at

We discussed that that if you are a small institution it is a good idea to keep changing and reflecting on the structure of your group. We talked about the importance of tailoring art education for each individual person and that the smaller the institution, the more likely you are able to decide on what you need. We discussed the impact of funding and different structures, for instance Islington Mills ( - an alternative education art academy) vary between 3 and 12 people attending; running by art schoool term times  and continuous weekly meetings.

Pippa also belongs to an art collective called Post ( - a uk artist network who respond to places) which annually changes the chair.

Then we did a bit more eating, said our goodbyes and went home.

Future actions:

All participants to prepare any writing and thoughts about the alt mfa for next week's self reflection session

We might do crits in two weeks for 9th June where Gabriel can also present his practice

Louise to email Jeremy ( a potenial new participant) to join us in two weeks