13th of June 2011

We met at Campbell Works and discussed “True Wood” show by Neil Taylor.
Neil spoke about ‘The Legend of the True Cross”.
We discussed parallel mechanisms of practice in religion and art.
We looked at relationship between a physical object and faith and power of suggestion.
Fetishising of an art object increases its commercial value and allows art market to operate.
In religion it allows the myth to be continued.
We thought of ethics of fetishising objects and presenting them as relict to the audience.
We looked at psychological need for ritual and aesthetics and how art and religion fulfils those needs.

Jeremy presented his work. We watched a couple of videos, documentation of video installations and discussed works on paper.
Jeremy spoke of his interest in narration and how we make sense of the world through narration, also ways of experiencing video work through time, space and objects, physicality of film and video. Jeremy mentioned influence of French philosopher Paul Riceour on some of his work.

Louise and Helen are taking part in Low and High arts festival in Folkestone and they will give a talk on 16thof July 4pm (15 Tontine street, Folkestone).

Eva will give a presentation about the evolution of nomadic architecture on 18thof June, 7pm at the Hilary Crisp Gallery, London


Recommended books:
“Songlines” by Bruce Chatwin
“The spell of the sensuous" by David Abram 
‘Being in Time’ by Martin Heidegge

Other artists mentioned today were: Fra Angelico (Mocking of Christ)
William Burroughs
Francisco Troppa (representing Portugal in Venice Biennale 2011)
Piero della Francesca

Next week we are meeting in Helen’s studio.