Summary Monday 6th June

Lucie, Gabriel, Jeremy, Louise and Steph met at Lucie's house.

We asked Jeremy a lot of questions and let him introduce himself.

Gabriel presented his body of works.

Artists mentioned during the talk:
James Turrell
Susan Hiller at the Camden Arts Centre
John Bock
The Stanley Kubrick Archives

Lucie and Steph suggested that we each start to collect a 'box' of small music/sound pieces, texts, video clips etc to watch and listen to in order to break up our discussion sessions.
Please bring anything you have regularily to our Monday sessions!

Also let's put a list together (we will try and facilitate this on the blog) of places to go. First suggestion: Thames River Beaches

* Lucie to contact Neil from Campbell Works to see his show and watch the first part of 'Century of the Self' by Adam Curtis there next Monday.
* Lucie to contact Chris from the Infoshop at Elephant & Castle to go and for a possible consensus making workshop
* Louise to prepare a talk about 'Presentation as a form of Performance' for Monday in two weeks time.