Announcement: AltMFA to receive A-N research funding for Future Programme 2017!

We are very pleased to announce that we have been granted funding by a-n (The Artists Information Company) for the funding of our new Future Programme for 2017.

Link on a-n website:


AltMFA is a peer-led art school based in London, established in 2010 as a free alternative to studying a university-based MA in the city. Its bursary award will fund a number of strands stemming from a framework of collective research and practice themed around ‘The Future’.
This will include a programme of visiting artist and expert lecturers who will lead talks, crits and workshops; a corresponding collection of critical writing and creative research responses to chronicle and share learning and ideas arising from The Future programme, with works published on an interactive website; promotion to enable expanded membership and greater public attendance at The Future programme.
Current member Louise Ashcroft, who applied for the bursary, said: “The group keeps thriving, despite having no resources, but we could achieve a lot more if we could plan a programme for the year so that research consolidates and evolves reflectively and coherently. In the past we’ve made a conscious decision to avoid funding, but we’re at a stage where we will really benefit from this financial support.”
Since the beginning of the year a-n has awarded over £92,000 of bursaries to its Artist members as part of our commitment to professional development provision within a programme that includes events, online toolkits and expert guides.