AltMFA present our new month long exhibition and workshops at 'Clutter' with Hypha Studios.

AltMFA invite you to their exhibition ‘Clutter’ at Gallery 1, Hypha Studios, 1 Sugarhouse Lane, E15 2QS. 

CLUTTER is an exhibition of multimedia works by AltMFA sixteen artists, curated by Anna-Maria Amato, running from the 6th March to the 12th April 2025.

Join us for our exhibition and programme of workshops and performances, where we instigate activities, conversations and explorations based on the theme of clutter, with artworks, installations and events. The exhibition highlights different perspectives on the significance of clutter in our daily lives such as our emotional attachment to objects and cycles of accumulation and decluttering. AltMFA Artists are exploring the impact of our surrounding multiple environments on our life experiences. We see mounds of materials, landscapes of waste and we endure over-sensory experiences; we attempt to archive our lives’ possessions, creating new habits to hoard and collect the objects we acquire.

Exhibiting artists include: Anita Agarwal, Anna-Maria Amato, Eldi Dundee, Sadie Edginton, Claire Eva, Catherine Harrington, Nathania Hartley, 5537 Fernando Holguin CereceresSara KellyDave Miller, Debora Mo, Irene Pulga, Anjan Saha, Wendy De Silva, Lorraine Snape and Giorgos Theocharous.

The artists are members of AltMFA, a peer-led alternative MFA (Masters in Fine Art), led by and for artists.

Private View: Thursday 6th March, 6-9pm

Opening times: Thurs-Sun 12-6pm until 13th April

Closing performance night: Fri 11th April 6-9pm

Address: 6 Sugar House Lane, London E15 2QS

CLUTTER is sited at a space supported by HYPHA STUDIOS on the canal-side neighbourhood: Sugar House Island. 

The exhibition space and WC are wheelchair accessible. 

For further information please contact: @alt_mfa

Workshops Schedule:

8th March 

4-6pm    Decluttering the Mind Through Self-Transcending Meditation, led by 5537 Fernando Holguin Cereceres

A unique workshop that fuses art and meditation to tackle mental clutter. We’ll explore how stress, overthinking, and information overload impact our creativity through exhibited artworks, learn the basics of Self-Transcending Meditation, and experience a guided session to clear the mind. The workshop wraps up with a discussion on how meditation inspires artistic expression, a Q&A, and practical tips for everyday mental clarity.

9th March 

    3-4 pm    Guided Experience: Memory Palaces - Creative writing and doodles with Anjan Saha 

Anjan will break down modes of clutter to create new worlds with the material. Attendees will be encouraged to write a sentence or two, leading to a guided visual walk through our memory palaces. People will be invited to reflect/share on their spaces. 50 minutes.

    5-6pm    Accumul-nation, Accumul-Me, led by Debora Mo

A playful opportunity to explore the hidden meanings in what we hold onto, through drawing, writing, collaging, talking, it’s up to you! If you are able to, please bring one or more objects you like/dislike that you are either holding onto or have held onto and are ready to let go (or pictures of them).

15th March 

    3-5pm    Clutter and Memories, led by Anna-Maria Amato

Inspired by the emotionally charged attachment to love of a place, which is  a product of association, participants will explore memories connected to their clutter and how to create new memories and associations.

22 March

    1-3pm    Eco-printing workshop on paper, led by Anita Agarwal

29 March

    1-3pm    re-cycle / clothing workshop, with Lorraine Snape and Catherine Harrington

Avoid adding to the globe's growing garment glut. Bring along any older clothes to this workshop - we will play with fabric printing, graffiti stencilling, textile collaging and colourful mending to creatively alter and upcycle worn out clothes

30 March

    1-3pm    Making Space’ Guided meditation, a decluttering the mind workshop, led by Anita Agarwal

4 April

    2-5pm    Drop-in craft workshop (tbc), with Lorraine Snape

5 April

    1-3pm    Collaborative drawing workshop, with Anita Agarwal

    3-5pm    Documenting artwork and the studio, with Sadie Edginton

6 April

    1-3:30pm    Tetrapak Etching Workshop, with Sadie Edginton

A drop-in workshop. Using recycled tetrapaks learn how to create an image to print of the build up of materials in artists studio spaces.

    2-4pm    re-make through paper workshop, with Wendy da Silva, Catherine Harrington and Lorraine Snape

Join our paper making workshop where everyday papers will be memorialised in our collective recycling ritual. Bring along unwanted paper diaries, study notes and sketchbook pages and they will be made into new paper sheets and hung in the gallery as part of the exhibit.

    4:30-6pm    Urban Group Walk (a 'walkshop'), led by Nathania Hartley

Join in this group walk starting from the gallery and taking in the surrounding area.
A mental decluttering by simply coming together and walking - we will move as one, listening and gaining awareness of the city around us. All welcome, no special skills required. Approx 1 hour of gentle walking

12 April

    2-5pm    Decluttering the Mind Through Self-Transcending Meditation, led by 5537 Fernando Holguin Cereceres

Join us for "Decluttering the Mind Through Self-Transcending Meditation"—a unique workshop that fuses art and meditation to tackle mental clutter. We’ll explore how stress, overthinking, and information overload impact our creativity through exhibited artworks, learn the basics of Self-Transcending Meditation, and experience a guided session to clear the mind. The workshop wraps up with a discussion on how meditation inspires artistic expression, a Q&A, and practical tips for everyday mental clarity.

To book CLUTTER workshops click on the hyperlink, or go to Hypha's Eventbrite pages and click on your chosen workshops' thumbnail images at: 
If you don't see it listed there, please contact: @alt_mfa, or pop in.